Q&A From Fans

This page is dedicated to my fans and their questions about me and my stories

Friends and readers sometimes ask, "What led you, a pastor, to try your hand at fiction?

Well, after reading a tremendous amount of fiction for my own enjoyment, one day I thought, I believe I could write as well as that author.  It was not until I was called from my home one evening to visit a member of my parish who had been rushed to the hospital with a stroke that I actually sat down and started writing. 

While visiting my friend, his wife asked if I would pray for his brother, who was just across the room in the intensive care unit.  I knew his older brother was biracial, and when I prayed for him, I was grasped by the drama of two brothers, one white and one black, growing up in Florida in the early twentieth century.  I went home and wrote a fictional account of my visit, and over the next thirty-five years, the rest of the story unreeled itself like frames on a motion picture film.  I later dropped the prologue and still later divided the original manuscript into three books, one for each generation.  It has been an adventure writing these stories. I hope to publish the third and final book in the series, The Carroll Family Saga.

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